Experience Natural Beauty, Different Culture & Religions with us.

23 years

Since 1995
  • Duration: 16 Days
  • Best Time: Autumn & Spring
  • Max Elevation: 3,900
  • Group Size: Min 2-12
  • Trip Grade: Moderate
  • View Map

Upper Mustang Trekking

North of the Annapurnas and off-limits to travellers until the early ‘90s, the ancient and mysterious kingdom of Mustang is geographically and culturally a part of Tibet. Mustang prospered in the 15th Century, when its strategic location enabled it to dominate the salt trade between Tibet and Nepal. Its distinctive, white-painted villages, Tibetan monasteries and impressive wayside inns, a legacy of hundreds of years of cross-border trading, make Mustang a place apart, unlike anywhere else in Nepal. The landscape is different here, too – eroded clonglomerate cliffs coloured by striking earth pigments in variations of red, yellow, brown and blue, with a backdrop of the distant snow-capped peaks of the Annapurnas and Dhaulagiri. With the gradual encroachment of the jeep road into Mustang, we now have the opportunity to change and improve the way we run this amazing 2-week adventure holiday. After a flight to Jomsom beside the Kali Gandaki River, we hike for 3 days from Kagbeni to Geling, then transfer directly to the fairy-tale walled city Lo Manthang and spend a day there, exploring amongst its brightly painted houses and secret alleyways. This approach avoids protracted walking on, or within sight of, the jeep track, whilst still allowing us to see all of Mustang’s important villages, chortens and distinctive scenery. However, the best is still to come, as we walk-out from Lo Manthang on the east side of the Kali Gandaki River. This 5-day trek takes us into the most interesting part of Mustang, where very little has changed almost since time began. Crossing passes up to 4200 metres and visiting a succession of remote settlements, such as Dhi,Yara,Ghara,Luri Gompa,Tange and Tetang, we head southwards towards the looming presence of the Annapurna Himal. Finally arriving at the colourful pilgrimage centre of Muktinath, on the Annapurna Circuit, we take a jeep down to Jomsom to complete one of the best trekking adventures in Nepal.


  • 1
  • Day 1 Arrive in Kathmandu and transfer to Hotel.
  • You will be met at the airport by our Him Ganga Treks representative and transferred to your hotel in Kathmandu. Rest at the hotel and briefing about the trip. There should be time to explore the city’s many charms on your own too. Overnight (O/N) in Kathmandu (breakfast included).

  • 2
  • Day 2 Drive to Pokhara {850m} 6-7 hrs.
  • Breakfast and finalization of luggage. Drive to Pokhara usually at mid-day, then check-in at the hotel in the city center. You can walk to the Japanese stupa overlooking Pokhara and the Annapurna Chain , rent boats to roam freely on Lake Phewa , or walk along the banks and discover the shopping streets.

  • 3
  • Day 3 Fly to Jomsom (2,720 m) and continue trek to Kagbeni (2,810m), 4 hrs.
  • Morning flight to Jomosom (2700 m). The plane passes over the deepest gorges in the world, between the summits of Annapurna (8091 m) and Dhaulagiri (8167m) . Arrival in Jomosom , big village of the valley and starting point of our stay in Mustang. Walk through the village to discover the population and beautiful houses on both sides of the cobbled streets, before going up the valley of the Kali Gandaki river by jeep, to avoid walking on the new track. Then our vehicle drops us at the entrance to the Lupra Valley, in the direction of the village of the same name. The latter has one of the last monasteries Bonof the region (an ancient religion that prevailed in the Himalayas before the arrival of Buddhism). The peaceful life of this village still authentic slice with the modern world left a few hours ago … We continue our walk by another way, using a suspension bridge and up the slopes of the surrounding hills. Small plateau and quiet resdescente towards Kagbeni , at the gates of Mustang . We take the opportunity to visit the village whose Buddhist features immerse us instantly in the universe of ancestral beliefs, so strong in Mustang .

    If the flight is canceled due to weather conditions, we take the road the same morning to join Jomosom.On this road route, especially in summer (August and September), the trail is sometimes cut by landslides or torrents out of bed. It is sometimes mandatory to adapt to the environment and walk a few minutes to take another vehicle on the other side of the disaster … These rare imponderables are likely to lengthen travel times. When this happens we invite you to keep a good spirit of adventure and a good mood.

  • 4
  • Day 4 Trek to Samer (3050m) 7hrs
  • Early start in Jeep not to walk on the track . Indeed, it is now more than ten meters wide, is frequently used by trucks and jeeps and above all, there are no alternative paths between Kagbeni and Chele. So we leave Kagbeni, official door of the Mustang , to cross the doors and return to Upper Mustang . Continue to Tangbe village , then Chuksang and Chele . A few minutes later, we take a path that joins a huge suspension bridge over a gorge. Ascent to the unique gurung village of Mustang: Gyakar. Then the narrow trail descends into the gorge and then up to the Dajori La, 3700 m, which offers a beautiful  view of the Annapurnas . Continue through the cultures towards Samar . Past the village gate, the path plunges to the torrent to then go up under rocks of conglomerates. We cross a small alp and then, by a tapered path, lead to a small pass from where the panorama, worthy of the Grand Canyon , is breathtaking! Descent by a throat more and more narrow and tortuous, reinforcing the mystical sensation of places. At the torrent, the trail goes up to a karst cave hidden in a sumptuous natural setting: thecave Chungsi monastery . After enjoying the places, return to the original trail and climb to Syangmochen in a radically different and more open decor. Quiet downhill to the village of Gelling to spend the night.

  • 5
  • Day 5 Trek to Ghiling (3570m) 7hrs.
  • We leave the village of Gelling located in the valley bottom and naturally go up the hills bordering the surroundings, avoiding the track. Passage of a small isolated pass with always  very aesthetic views of the mountain ranges and canyons, in surprising tones . Descent to Ghami with white houses covered with wood on their roofs, symbolic of the architecture of Mustang. Then we leave this beautiful village by the fields, before crossing a river. The path then rises to pass a mountainside above a broad valley where extends the longest prayer wall of Mustang … Little by little the rocks of Dhakmar, reveal themselves :anthracite then ocher and blood red, punctuated by troglodyte caves, they form an arch that overhangs and protect the village. Arriving in Dhakmar, then at the bend of a house, a steep path winds between the prayer flags and fairy chimneys … We get out of this narrow passage to Dhakmar La at 4000 m. From the pass the view to the North Mustang, Tsarang and the cut and colorful rocks of the gorges of the Mustang Khola is simply sumptuous! The gentle descent into the pastures joins the Tsarang fields to reach the village. Discovery of the big village and installation of the camp in the heart of the village. Visit of Tsarang Monastery perched on a promontory offering superb and contrasting views.

  • 6
  • Day 6 Trek to Dhakmar (38200m) 7hrs.
  • Climb to the beautiful village of Marang with its  agricultural activities and Tibetan architecture . Detour to Ghar Gompa monastery (Lo Gekar), the oldest Nyingmapa monastery in Mustang dating from the 8th century . It is mentioned in many Tibetan legends and is considered the first monastery created in Tibet (which included Mustang at that time). Continue to Samdrup Ling through the mountain pastures. A last pass, with prayer flags, opens on the valley of Lo Manthang , capital of the ancient kingdom of Lo. Installation under the walls of the fortified city, then discovery of the old citadel. Depending on the time of arrival, first visit monuments and streets that make the wealth of this medieval city .

  • 7
  • Day 7 Trek to Tsarang (3560m) 3hrs.
  • Discovered in the morning the fortified citadel and various intramural monasteries, the palace square, medieval alleys crammed with mani walls and lines of chortens … The monastery of Tupchen offers from its roofs an interesting view of the city and the surroundings, as for the monastery of Jampa , in renovation 6 months a year, it gives the opportunity to apprehend the ancestral techniques of realization of the mural frescos as well as an iconographic approach of all beauty. At Ngonga Chöde monastery , we discover his big school and his small museum. Meal at the lodge. Afternoon free or, for those who wish, walk to the village and monastery of Namgyal, pretty hike that offers a vision of Lo Manthang from the heights and the possibility of beautiful encounters by returning through the fields.

  • 8
  • Day 8 Trek to Lo Manthang (3840 m) 6hrs.
  • This morning we take the jeep heading north of the capital. After a short transfer, the vehicle drops us off at the village of Nyi , where we go to visit the beautiful troglodyte monastery of Nyiphu . Approaching we discover a staircase that rushes through a hatch in a maze of rooms forming a real troglodyte building ! Traces show that a community lived there several centuries ago. These troglodyte buildings are in every corner of the Mustang, but it is easy to access. Then return to Lo Manthang . From village to village, we progress on a path lined with frequent lhatho and rigsum gompo, these protective Buddhist monuments which delimit the territory. Arrival in Barcha , hamlet located at the foot of a beautiful valley where the colored rocks were carved by centuries of erosion. There we find Puna Zangmu , guardian of the key that opens the door of the famous Konchokling cave . Departure with Puna between fairy chimneys and spiky crests . We reach a ridge giving access to a promontory from where the view of the Mustang Himal is sumptuous and colorful. Descent by a narrow and airy path to the gateway to the cave. The view is absolutely unique, astonishing, impressive and out of step with usual geographic standards.The paintings and engravings , although very damaged, are still superb. Retrace our steps to Barcha for a well deserved meal, to spend a pleasant and authentic moment with a family Lopa ! Continue to Nenyul then crossing the river on a suspension bridge and up to Lo Manthang .

  • 9
  • Day 9 Trek to Choser cave and Lo Manthang 6hrs.
  • Start by the track and climb to a pass dominating Lo Manthang. From there, a trail with the atmosphere of “Vendée dunes” brings us to the heights of Dhi. Steep descent into a colorful canyon , in the middle of fairy chimneys to Dhi (3400 m). Crossing the river and climbing on Yara, in an impressive lunar scenery. The cliffs are carved in soft beige colors as if they had been sanded by hand. Installation in the heart of Yara village.

  • 10
  • Day 10 Trek to Ghara,{3970m} 5-6hrs.
  • Today, walk loop, to join Lori Gompa a very old cave monastery which contains one of the rare interior chorten! The path weaves under colorful arches to the Khete pasture , then we head for Lori Gompa. To reach Lori, suspended in the rocks, it is necessary to take a ridge then a done up path, a little aerial on the end. Inside the gompa in ruins, we discover the main monastery, a chorten and exceptional Buddhist frescoes … After being satiated again with Buddhist culture, we take the opposite path over the gorges. We arrive shortly after at another monastic complex, the Tashi Kabum caves. The access is not arranged, providing no security and high risk of falling, we observe from the outside. Going back through the fields and an arid world of pebbles and ocher earth, we return shortly to the village of Yara .

  • 11
  • Day 11 Trek to Tanggyé (3320 m) 6hrs
  • Our route goes up a steep scree to sneak between conglomerate chimneys. We leave behind us Yara and its carved cliffs , at the foot of which stretch carefully irrigated colorful fields. The path passes through large plateaus and many canyons. The sandals are also very useful! Then return to the nomad tents (tea shop) of the Dechyang Khola (3400 m). The panorama includes Mustang Himal, Dhaulagiri, Tukuche Peak and desert plateaus with carved rocks. At the end of the day, we climb a steep slope, before the route literally plunges through fairy chimneys, by a trail with pebbles and false Nepali dish. We set up the camp in the beautiful village of Tanggye , a small oasis lost in the heart of a desert of pebbles. Chortens and typical houses embellish the atmosphere with warm colors! Walk in the village: monastery and magnificent alignment of chortens in a beautiful medieval atmosphere.

  • 12
  • Day 12 Trek to Chusang (2980m) 8-9hrs.
  • The longest day of the circuit with the crossing of a pass at 4180 m and a high point at 4220 m. But this stage is beautiful with beautiful crests, offering sumptuous views from all sides . We picnic in Paha in a small house of pilgrims. Our path is never monotonous, splendid on all the slopes with very beautiful views on the whole of Mustang as well as on the massif of Annapurnas and Dhaulagiri . We cross mineral landscapes made of rock penitents, canyons and colorful chimneys , before starting the last and long descent before the houses. Installation under the village of Tetang.

  • 13
  • Day 13 Trek to Muktinath (3670 m) 5hrs
  • Visit Tetang , a small medieval town grouping 2 fortified hamlets, arranged on each side of the stream. Chortens and representations of deities immediately compose an exceptional sacred landscape. Climb in a thalweg with some pastures among the rocks. Passage of the Ghyu La towards 4100 m and discovery of all the snowy massifs of Annapurnas and Dhaulagiri . Crossing the Jhong Khola and up through the village of Chyongur and terraced fields, to the edge of Muktinath . A few last steps and here is our journey of North Mustang completed! These carry us untilHindu sanctuary and its 108 sacred springs . It is a historic place of pilgrimage : every year thousands of pilgrims come here to purify themselves. Then a jeep comes to pick us up and we go down 1000 meters further down, joining the shores of Kali Gandaki and the city of Jomosomthat we left 2 weeks earlier.

  • 14
  • Day 14 Trek to Jomson via Lubra village 5-6 hrs.
  • Morning flight to Pokhara . The plane passes over the deepest gorges in the world, between the peaks of Annapurna (8091 m) and Dhaulagiri (8167 m) . Then we chained on a flight to Kathmandu , before being transferred to the same hotel at the beginning of stay. Free time at the end of the day to discover the city at your leisure.

  • 15
  • Day 15 Fly to Pokhara and in afternoon fly to Kathmandu (1340 m)
  • Free time to discover the capital and its surroundings. The guide stays with the group (but can not divide if everyone goes on his side …). We recommend the Bodnath stupa early in the morning (to enjoy the pilgrims’ ambience), as well as visits to the ancient royal cities of Bhaktapur (a true living museum of the valley) and Patan . Capitals of small kingdoms in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, both cities are renowned for their beautiful Newar-style architecture with beautifully carved brick and wooden temples and their multi-storey pagoda roofs. We meet again in the evening for a last dinner together .

  • 16
  • Day 16 Depature to Land home.
  • Free morning in Kathmandu . Like the day before, the guide stays with the group to help you, if you want to make visits in the valley. Depending on the schedule of the flight back , we still take a little time to hang out in the afternoon or we leave directly for the airport to take our flight home.

    Includes Section Head:
    Sun hat
    Fleece/Wool hat (to cover ears)
    Sunglasses & reading glasses
    Scarf to cover face (dust/wind)
    Watch with light & alarm
    Headlamp & spare batteries
    Hand touch & spare batteries

    Dry packs:
    Open neck water bottles x2
    Pack no heavier than 15kg fully packed
    Pack cover
    Day pack 35litre with waist strap
    Money belt

    Lower Body:
    Under garments
    Hiking shorts
    Lightweight walking pants
    Light weight thermal leggings
    Fleece or tracksuit pants
    Waterproof shell pants
    Shampoo & Conditioner (biodegradable)

    Toiletries & Personal Hygiene:
    1x quick dry towel & face cloth
    Toothbrush & paste (biodegradable)
    Multipurpose wipes (face & body)
    Face & Body moisturizer
    Nail clippers/file
    Small comb/brush
    Small mirror
    Toilet paper (you can buy more on trek)
    Anti-Bacterial wipes (4x packs)
    Hand sanitizer (small bottle)
    Sun block face/body high UV protection
    Lip block with UV protection
    Feminine hygiene products

    3x thin cotton inner soaks
    3x thick warm wool hiking socks
    Hiking boots (with spare laces)
    Walking sneakers
    Walking poles
    Clothes washing soap (biodegradable)

    Upper Body:
    3x T-shirts
    2x lightweight thermal tops
    2x Merino/Fleece long shelve tops
    Waterproof shell jacket
    Down vest/jacket*
    Poncho rain cover

    Lightweight fleece gloves
    Heavyweight gloves
    Or waterproof/wind fleece gloves
    Playing cards
    Trail map & guide book

    Extra Items:
    Camera & extra batteries
    Reading books
    Journal & pen
    Photo’s of home/family
    Energy/protein bars (optional)

    Sleeping bag*
    Sleeping bag liner
    Pillow slip/case

    Medical Kit:
    See your Doctor for compete medical kit
    including Dimox

    Trip Includes

    • The transfers mention in program airport-hotel-airport in Kathmandu.
    • 2 nights 3 stars hotel accommodation in Kathmandu with breakfast included.
    • 1 night in Pokhara 4 stars hotel en pension complete twin sharing room.
    • 15 days and 14 nights trekking in the mountain region.
    • Drive to Pokhara, fly to Jomsom, fly to Pokhara and fly to Kathmandu.
    • Meals on full board (Breakfast, lunch, and dinner) during the trek tea and coffee and twin beds room sharing 2 persons.
    • Local fresh fruits were available and Nak cheese.
    • 1 porter for 2 clients and 1 guide.
    • Trekking map, one in a group and duffel bag for use in trekking.
    • Down Jacket and sleeping bag returned after the trek.
    • Trekking porter can carry your bags max 20 kg during the trek.
    • Insurance for porter and guide during the trek.
    • A local government licensed English speaking Guide during the trek and porters, their for salary, insurance, equipment and transportation.
    • First aid kit will be available.
    • Boiled and purified drinking water for the trek.
    • All required special trekking permits and ACAP fees.
    • TIMS (Trekker’s Information Management System).
    • All government taxes and our service charges.
    • Farewell Dinner before departure.

    Trip Excludes

    • Lunch and dinner in Kathmandu.
    • Your Travel insurance (Mandatory).
    • International airfare and date change or ticket re-issuance charges.
    • Nepal entry visa fee (you obtain a visa easily upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport Kathmandu). You will require 2 passport size photos.
    • Tips for trekking staff and driver. (Tipping is expected but not mandatory).
    • Alcoholic drinks, cold drinks, and supplementary hot drinks.
    • Items of a personal nature such as laundry, phone calls, and internet service.
    • Personal trekking Equipment.
    • Sightseeing/Monuments entrance fees in Kathmandu.

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